Thursday, August 27, 2009


Hey all

So I am sitting here unable to sleep waiting for my friend to wake up so he can drive me to the airport. I am so excited today is the day I finally get to go move to China. As many of you know I have dreaming about this for years. All I can think about is getting on the plane and then meeting my colleague at the airport in Shanghai. I hope to use this to keep everyone up to date about my life and also give a unique view of China. While I may make political statements once in a while I ask that you please dont leave any comments that paint China in a poor light. I would really rather not end up in jail and I dont know Bill Clinton to get me out. Other then that I would love to hear other comment from you. So I hope you stop by often and find this interesting. I will write once I get settled and tell you all about the school and the city.